Spanish language translation in the App

I’m from Spain where I play. I was happy to see the spanish translation in the app but we have a problem.
The Spain spanish it’s no the same that the latinoamércia spanish so theres is lots of times we don’t understand properly what it means. We can figure it out using the logic, but it’s not great to be using an app tha say things you understad in other way.

I already proposed mysefl to translate the app into Spain spanish, so both languages could be available and could be understood by both population.

I’ve already translated into spanish the PDGA rules and the PDGA official exam.


Hey @espiau ! We’d love to have a correct translation for Spain spanish. Can you shoot an email to me - I can add you to our translation team and get you going. We use a website to manage translations that makes the process easy and suggests translations that you can accept or modify to make sure everything is grammatically correct, and more importantly, makes sense in the context of disc golf.

Thanks, looking forward to hearing back!