Option to not display round ratings


I just wanted to request an option in user settings where I can toggle whether to show round ratings or not.

I like the idea of round ratings, but I find that for myself personally it’s not been helping me to enjoy myself, and sometimes it does the opposite, making me feel worse after an otherwise enjoyable round.



Hey Nick, Thanks for contributing!. As of right now, there isn’t an option to hide round ratings but it could be something that is available in the future. We appreciate you providing your feedback and do take Member requests into account when we map out new projects. Best, Team UDisc

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I’ve heard that if you stop paying the round ratings will be hidden as it’s a pro only feature.

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Yes! Nathan is correct, Round Ratings are a Pro feature. Without UDisc Pro your rating will not show. Best - Team UDisc

Thank you both! However, there are lots of other UDisc pro features that I like to use and I would like to continue to support the development of the app, so this workaround won’t quite get it done for me.


Hey @npcoluc, we love you for that! :heart: We will be sure to pass along the feedback about round ratings to the rest of the team.