UDisc Pro Plus Idea

Random thought. What if Udisc had flyover and flythrough course hole breakdowns maybe for all courses with a 4 star rating or higher? Similar to what DGN shows during live coverage? I of course would be interested in helping create this. And then this would be a premium membership maybe call it UDisc Pro Plus. I would be happy to pay a higher monthly price to get access to more data. One other desire would be to allow Pro users to see not just the average score for all their times playing the course but see the average for each hole across all players.

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I think the course ambassadors can see the scoring breakdowns for all players. Not 100% sure on that though.

If there is a club page maybe you could ask the ambassador to share whatever stats they have?

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Yes, course ambassadors can view hole stats for all players if they have setup smart layouts. But you have no idea if that is mostly MA3 or FPO. Never mind whether those players were playing OBs rules or not.

With enough data, you get an idea of how the hole plays for your locals. However, I found that copying the scores from PDGA Live was more interesting because you can filter by division (or even rating if you put a bit more work in). And you can trust that they were playing the same rules.

That’s true. With uDisc being basically a scorecard with peripheral features, you can’t control who is playing and how they score. Some people might be recording best throw and ‘scoring’ on almost every hole, making the hole averages lower than they should be. Or, as you noted, it could be MA3/4 players taking +2 on ‘easy’ holes.

Using PDGA Live data is probably the only way to reliably get that.

That said, the Ambassador Stats should be good enough to get a good idea of the course. Especially, if you see the same names over and over. I played my local course 96 times last year. If you look at my scores, they’re pretty indicative of how the course plays.

Our local course ambassadors have shared reports they get from UDisc annually. Ask them for the info.

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