What does that Orange Basket icon in my scorecard do?

Have you ever shown up to a course to find the targets haven’t been updated in UDisc to match the course layout? Did you select the long layout, but half way through decide you want to play from the short tee pads? Have no fear!

Within a Smart Layout scorecard you can tap the orange basket icon in the top right to change the tee pad you’re playing from or basket you’re playing to. This simple change ensures that your scorecard is not only updated, but your play stats are counting towards the right tee and basket combo! Peep, global average hole score :wink:.

Raise your hand if you’ve tried this out before!! Check out this article for more details.


How do I set up a ‘play whatever you want layout’ for those that hate being told what to do? Or those of us that like to flip a disc to see what tee or basket we aim for. Is it just repetitive orange basket tapping?

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Hey @tinlid, sorry this didn’t get a reply! At this time, yes, if a player wanted to completely randomize the layout they were playing, they would have to choose their tee or target specifically on each hole as they went. Or players always have the option of creating a custom scorecard, though this wouldn’t be connected to the course or layout map in any way.

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