Courses Along My Drive

When I’m on a long drive, whether it be for work or vacation, I wouldn’t mind stopping and trying out a course along the way. This usually forces me to pull up two screens: Udisc and Google maps having to go back and forth trying to see which courses I’ll pass. For example, I’m driving up to World’s with friends and we’re looking for a course to play on the way there.

I’d like the ability to let Udisc know my depart and destination address to show me courses on the roads that I’ll be driving through. I’d like to filter those courses by Udisc rating and distance from the road I’ll be using. The ability to drag the path I’m driving would also be convenient.

Other changes that would be helpful:

  • Udisc filter identifying courses that were considered either top 100 or top 5 per state according to the 2023 Udisc blogs
  • Udisc filter for only 9 hole courses (not 9+) for a quick stop and play

Thanks for checking out my suggestions!


I would like to use this feature, as well. Thanks!

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This is the first request I looked for when I joined. It’s my top priority, since I need to travel so much. Would love to see this for the desktop version as well as the app.

1 Like used to have this functionality but with their recent redesign I don’t know if this will be brought back or not.

I love the suggestion as well! When my wife and I have long trips I always plan the trip with udisc as a guide. So it would be great to have the filters mentioned in this post.

I would also like to see a filter for noodle arms like myself; I don’t need 500 and 600+ ft distance on every hole.

And as long as we’re wishing, it would be nice to filter out courses that have heavy brush where you spend all of your time looking for your discs. We don’t have that kind of time when we’re driving by. We we recently planned a trip stopping by Ely, Nevada, but the course there there looked like it would just eat our discs so we didn’t even try to play. A waste of a stop on our trip.

Also maybe alternate routes to hit higher rated courses. We are not afraid to go off the beaten path if there is a great disc golf course along the way. We have bypassed the interstate several times to use two lane highways if it would go to get us to some nice disc golf courses.

These are courses we have played on our travels thanks to udisc;