Live Weather on Courses Map tab

Thanks for the opportunity to express ideas.

Could live weather be added to the Courses Map in the app? One of the main things I check alongside UDisc when scouting a destination for the day is the weather prediction.
Is weather info supplied by a .gov website free to source into the app?

Love to hear feedback and ideas for this implementation!


I agree, this would be a cool feature. It looks like the National Weather Service has a free api: API Web Service

We definitely want to do more with weather in our course data. We already include weather data on scorecards and we just started including weather (current and forecasts) for the new events platform.

Are you mostly looking for a basic forecast (e.g. possible precipitation? wind and temperature)

Current temperature, high low temp, % chance of (rain / snow) wind mph would be super helpful.

Somewhat off-topic, but still related to the topic. Often the weather listed on my scorecard at completion is not close to the actual weather Iā€™m playing in. Where does the weather data come from? Today I played at FDR State Park, and the winds gusted between 15 and 25 miles an hour. On my scorecard the winds were listed as 5 mph.

We use a weather API and the weather comes from the nearest weather station (typically the nearest airport). So, variance from actual on-the-ground hyper-local wind values is expected, but the best that we can do realistically.

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